Q and A session 15 where Zach asks what has allowed Pathology Apparel to continue growing. If you guys have any more questions that you would like answered, you can find us on instagram @pathologyapparel, Facebook @pathologyapparel, and twitter @pursuethorns!

Q and A session 14- Answering the question of how we handle “sponsorships”

Our 13th Q and A Session where we talk about the company goals to raise money for missions.

The 11th session of our Q and A explaining our Every Pitch Baseball Logo.

Our 10th Q and A session about the background and meaning of our Fisher of Men logo.

Our 9th Q and A Session about the background and meaning of our mountains to sea outdoor logo.

Our 7th Q and A session discussing what our DNA helix logo is all about.

Session 6 of our Q and A, where we talk about our main kettle crown logo and some of the meaning that’s behind it.

Session 5 of the Q and A where we talk a little bit about some of the items we have to offer.


Out mission: generate conversation. Our subtle logo is designed to inspire questions and generate conversations about purpose.